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The Wicked


I knew what she needed the night she walked in here. Her silver hair piled high on her head, giving away exactly who she was. Tobias trained me for this moment, preparing me for what’s to come. I’d been waiting, dreading this for so long, but now the time has arrived, just as my trust has been all but shattered. The unknown has me dragging her down to the cells under the club, along with her coven of misfits. To test them. To make sure she is who she claims to be. The Impure.

Now, with the fate of magic thrust into our hands, we take on the task of training in the cages and to insure we don’t walk into fire with mages who will just end up getting us all killed. 

 With little faith, I take this journey in search of someone I’m not sure I even believe in. Stranded with three strangers on a path the moon set for us, with mages I’ve only known for a hot minute. Let’s just hope faith is enough to get us through the battles ahead, because a war is brewing, and the wicked ones headed our way won’t stop until all misfits submit to their coven.

Magic & Mayhem

The Coven Novella


Collaboration with Harper Ray

A Dark Romance Trilogy by Camie Parrish and Harper Ray. They are teaming up to bring a new look on Dark Romance. One where love is nowhere to be found, only hate, retribution, pain, and control are present.


What to Expect:

Dark Romance- Corruption- Secrets and Lies- Fire Play/Knife Play- Touch her and Die- Hate Sex

Podcast now available on YouTube

Weekly podcasts are now available on YouTube! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click on notifications to get updates on new episodes!


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